Due to their importance, as well as costs, they must be well thought undertakings, giving specific research and economic effects.
Pumping tests are commonly used in the hydrogeological practice. There is almost no hydrogeological region (except mountain areas) where this type of research would not be conducted.
Basic aim of the pumping test is to obtain (by water intake from a well - piezometer) the hydrodynamic response of the aquifer, which allows to specify the filter parameters of the layer, well-operation parameters and conditions of recharge. An equally important task during the pumping test is groundwater sampling from the activated zone of the inflow into the test borehole. The water is subjected to the physico-chemical and bacteriological laboratory analysis and to the technological analysis in the case of groundwater intakes, due to the need of determining the technical conditions of the water treatment. The entire hydrodynamic and hydrochemical tests conducted during the pumping tests are to determine the quantity and quality of the groundwater.
Part of these aims can be achieved only by a hydrogeological pumping nodes containing - in addition to the pumped well - at least one piezometer.
Individual pumping is carried out in a single test borehole to identify the relation between the discharge and the drawdown, which allows to determine the hydraulic characteristics of the water intake and approximate hydrogeological parameters of the aquifer in the vicinity of the borehole. Pumping well with observation wells is carried out in a single test borehole or, in certain cases in the group of boreholes located close together while watching the water level in the observation wells.
Collective pumping is carried out with more test boreholes, which are intended for use as a future intake wells to the experimental verification of the discharge and the amount of the drawdown in terms of usable operation of this intake and to determine the components of recharge of its admissible volume.
Selection of the type of the pumping is associated with the intended documentary project and the complexity of the hydrogeological conditions.