Thanks to our qualified team, we are able to offer a wide range of hydrogeological services. Undertaken tasks are done comprehensively and for their implementation we use modern techniques of research and measurement.
Our offer:
- Hydrogeological documentations determining admissible volumes of extracted groundwater
- Documentations specifying hydrogeological conditions in areas of existing municipal waste landfills and other burdensome objects
- Hydrogeological documentations for the purposes of the design documentation of construction of motorways, express roads, city bypasses, etc.
- Drilling and installation of observation piezometers for monitoring of soil-water environment along with its post-completion documentation
- Design and documentation of drilled and dug wells
- Hydrogeological opinions and expertises
- Reports on water and law matters for water abstraction and exploitation of water structures
- Reports on water and law matters for discharging stormwater and wastewater
- Reports on water and law materials for construction, reconstruction and modernization of water structures
- Reports on water and law materials for sections of national roads, provincial, district and local, together with an inventory of sewerage networks
- Measurements of observation points along with development of the impact of using groundwater intakes for changes of hydrogeological conditions
- Identifying of disposable resources the groundwater drainage basin
- Determination of protection zones around water intakes along with the implementation of hydrogeological documentation of the protection zone
- Documentation of the hydrogeological conditions for the dewatering of raw material deposits of rock
Welcome to contact and consultation.