Complemented research into S7 Koszwały - Kazimierzowo project
INGEO Sp. z o. o. , commissioned by Transprojekt, has prepared documentation of soil tests for the S7 expressway between Koszwały and Kazimierzowo. The project was divided into two tasks: the first task covering the Koszwały - Nowy Dwór section.
with a length of 20. 5 km and the second task running along the route Nowy Dwór - Kazimierzowo
with a length of more than 19 km.
The purpose of the documentation was to determine the geotechnical conditions of the soil
in the area of the designed expressway and in places of planned engineering structures, including: bushings, viaducts, flyovers, bridges, MOP and OUS.
The construction of the S7 express service is one of the most strategic investment points, which will allow to take full advantage of transport opportunities in the northern region.